SEAMLENE MESH - Monofilament Polypropylene Hernia Mesh

"SEAMLENE MESH" is the brand name of the Monofilament Polypropylene Hernia Mesh Manufactured by Surgical Sutures Pvt. Ltd.,

"We Produce And Supply Premium Quality" " Monofilament Polypropylene Hernia Mesh " for the most demanding surgical procedures. Made of quality material, these offer ease of use and application and provided with several special features to give strength and handling properties. These can be supplied in customized packaging to meet specific requirements. Excellent strength & handling properties.
SEAMLENE polypropylene surgical hernia mesh is constructed of knitted filaments of extruded polypropylene identical in composition to that used in SEAMLENE Polypropylene Suture. This material, when used as a suture, has been reported to be nonreactive and to retain its strength indefinitely in clinical use. SEAMLENE Surgical Hernia Mesh is knitted by a process which interlinks each fibre junction and which provides for elasticity in both directions. This construction permits the mesh to be cut into any desired shape or size without unravelling. This bi-directional elastic property allows adaptation to various stresses encountered in the body


Hernia Mesh may be used for the hernia repair and other facial deficiencies that require the addition of a reinforcing or bridging material to obtain the desired surgical result. is a non absorbable mesh used to span and reinforce traumatic or surgical wounds to provide extended support during and following wound healing. The material is not absorbed nor is it subject to degradation or weakening by the action of tissue enzymes.

Technical Details:

  • Product: SEAMLENE MESH - "Monofilament Polypropylene Hernia Mesh" Non absorbable Surgical Mesh
  • Material: Monofilament Polypropylene Undyed
  • Colour : Undyed
  • Sterilization: Ethylene Oxide gas
  • Shelf Life : 5 years
  • Packing:

  • Double packed in a tyvek and a medical grade pouch